Thursday, 26 January 2012

Oxygen Hydrogen Sodium Sodium

Whats my name?

13th January, 2011: all of TY went to the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition (using the full name awh yeah) in the RDS in Dublin City.
We went in 2nd Year but this time round was waaay better :)
The main reason being that we knew people actually IN it! Out of TY, 3 groups got in - the lucky suckers. All the projects were so good, its easy to see why my group and I didn't get in...
Me and Laura spent the day looking for free stuff (unsucessfully) and chillin' at our peeps' stands hehehe
Also, a momentus day in the history of our school life happened. Our school booked something on the SAME DAY as the local guys' school :o so yeah, talked to people we knew from there too :P
The bus ride to the RDS consisted of a small group of Fódlians belting out tunes from High School Musical. (badly)

Even though I was so tired that I needed a nap on the way home (most of us dozed off) I still didn't want the day to end.

Until we meet again

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